Thursday, August 12, 2010

Enjoy, don't endure.

Wow, time passes fast. Before you know it, winter's almost over, assignments are nearly due, another year is quickly passing by. As time goes by, every minute, every second becomes all the more important.

What I'm trying to say is, sometimes we live everyday as if it's just any old day. Maybe it is, but what if it were our last? I'm not trying to jinx anyone or freak people out. A thought came to me this week out of the blue, 'Why should we have to endure life as if it is a job or a duty when we can learn to enjoy every moment as if it were our very last?'

It's actually pretty funny coming from me because normally I am one of those people who wants to just live life on a flat playing field, no ups, no downs = Cathy is happy. But what's the fun in that?

Some photos taken today:

Taken as I was walking down my road to bus stop, the morning air is so nice!

Makes me want to live in an apartment >,<

<3 Hanging out with Sarah, at restaurant eating lots of yummy food =]

My delicious kimchi fried rice, it was so spicy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Just these past few days I've been flipping through a stack of old high school photographs and reminiscing those days where my friends and I frolicked around in our skirts, up to no good. Now and again I think we should all be reminded about what we possess at this moment in time and be grateful for it. Apart from those things, we should also treasure the memories, moments and friendships we made throughout our journey into adulthood, even though they may not be around us like they used to be.

The person whom we are now cannot possibly have been derived on our own. Without those distant memories and friends, we would not be the person we are today. In saying that, I've learnt to appreciate that even through the bad times, sad times and times I'd rather forget about, I'm glad I did not go through it alone. Although I am still not perfect and will never be, I am content.

Live everyday as if it were your last, sounds cliche but hey, life is cliche.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


LOVE,爱,사랑。。。 What is it?

Every now and again I think about this word and the meanings behind it. I'm sure everyone thinks about love once in a while. Whether we are already intertwined in some sort of relationship or otherwise, this word never fails to appear our minds.

This was just a random picture I found on google, the meaning is simple but it says so much in very few words. I believe that's what love should be like. Simple but meaningful.