Saturday, June 5, 2010

Find the Spark.

What a week! The first week of June and it has hit me like a rocket on fire. There's nothing much to pinpoint exactly so I won't bore you with the minor details and happenings :D I will however, mention something small I picked up just a few days ago from a photo outing with a few friends.

Call it an epiphany or contemplation, either way, it made me think.
When you and I go through our busy everyday lives, has it ever occurred in any instance, how others live their lives? When I sat down at that bench in the middle of Queen Street amongst all the hustle and bustle of street pedestrians minding their own businesses, I realised something I never gave much thought to. Snapping their movements with the Rebel Xti, every individual portrayed a personal, unique story to tell. What fascinated me was that no matter where I pointed my camera, I would catch a random person in the midst of whatever they were doing, as if they were completely unaware of how special they are in this world. In that moment of blur, people mirrored other people in their similar style of walk or pose. Even so, not one person gave me the exact same feeling as another.

Each and every one of us may find moments in our lives that bore us, seem pointless, or lack that little spark. If we stop and look around, maybe just maybe, our eyes can be opened wider to the greater world around us. Our day may have been just a routine Saturday but if you look thoroughly enough, there will always be something to pick up that makes each and every single day extraordinary in its own.


  1. There are no sparks in my life recently, so dry.

    Um I like this entry, match with my thought:"every individual portrayed a personal, unique story to tell".

    This is one of the reason I shoot random people. Their motion and facial expression can tell a story. And they're all natural.(No ethics of privacy to me pls T.T)

    p.s. The photo matches the topic, good job.

  2. haha I won't throw any ethics on you this time don't worry. Thanks for your comment Edmond, really appreciate it.
