Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life's too short to cry over spilt milk.

Like the title suggests... Life's too short, it really is. No matter which way I look at it these days, time seems to get the most of me. Catches me offhand every now and then and before you know it, it's 11:01pm and you've only just managed to sit down and blog.

What I actually want to say is I'm tired of stressing over little miniscule mishappenings and bits and pieces out of place. If I could count all of the minutes I spend worrying over friendship issues, study-related problems and self-conflicting thoughts, I could have most likely finished a few dramas I've wanted to watch by now. Now that is an incentive to cut out all that negative thinking!

With all these exams coming up for uni students, all I need is positivity right now. Don't we all? I'm just glad I found it in time :D For the rest of y'all: It's never too late, especially in relation to exams. Keep trying, and don't give up! Try your best and no matter the outcome, at least you know you tried your hardest~ What has helped me the most is being grateful. When you take some time to clearly think about what you appreciate in your life and all that you have, no matter how small, everything becomes much clearer and all those things you always used to worry about now seems almost irrelevant.

Guess I'm finally getting what 'Man Up' really means huh..


  1. Funny pictures!!

    2nd half of your entry is so positive, I feel the positive energy too! :D

    Some people may think life is too long for them as they have been suffering in the world. But at this moment I agree with you life is too short. I still have a lot of things WANT to do before I die ...

  2. I think it's all those ethics classes I've been attending. Talking about abortion, euthanasia and's making me realise theres so much more in life to offer. :D Be positive, that's the way to go!

  3. Do you agree with euthanasia?
    Personally ... I do.

  4. As a christian it's a difficult topic to touch on, theres definately a fine line between active and passive euthanasia. Personally, I wouldn't agree with active euthanasia but I do let passive euthanisia slide in some instances

  5. Active euthanasia = suicide. That's what I agree with.
    How about passive euthanasia? You mean you're lying on bed but have no feelings (can't talk and listen), then your family agree to let you to have euthanasia ?

  6. Actually active euthanasia means: To intentionally let die which is, intentionally injecting or pulling life support out for the person to die. Passive on the other hand is something like not doing anything to prevent the person from dying if it is in their wishes, eg. withholding treatment.

  7. Oicicicic.

    It seems my media ethics cannot apply on your ethics hahahahaha.

    I think I cannot accept abortion the most, it's killing a baby. You make the baby and you kill the life ... horrible.

  8. hmmm that's true, its highly debateable. I just wrote an essay on for abortion haha.. Hope it gets me an A

  9. lol yea it's really debateable!!!

    What points did you make to argue?

  10. hey cathy! just dropping by ur blog as promised~ yes stay positive! its gona be realy hard with the exam month ahead but i think end of the day its just nice to count our blessings and then we realise the little things make all the difference. good luck with the month ahead!

  11. Thanks Cecilia! You too :D I'll always be here to cheer u on :D

  12. truly inspirational cathy!! =] a bit late...but this is gonna help me get through my very last exam!

    Hope yours are going swelllll! And keep up the blogging!!

    <3 Joyce

  13. Aww thanks Joyce, I'm glad I can help you out. Anytime :D Good luck with your last exam or if u finished, have a great holiday~
    We have to catch up sometime :D <3 youuuuuu
