Thursday, July 29, 2010

I should be studying.

The name of the title clearly explains what I've been telling myself through and throughout this entire week so far. Yet, nothing has worked.

The second half of the semester has officially started SINCE LAST WEEK and still, my body is lagging behind, probably stuck somewhere in the midst of the first semester. Can somebody rescue me before I turn into an anxiety-filled, stressed maniac by the end of the semester when you know what's coming up, that's right, EXAMS! GG -.-.

Its funny though, I have the motivation to blog and rant but none to open my books and sort through my notes/lecture slides/things to memorise. I try to keep my blog entries nice and motivating but it's kinda hard to when you're not feeling that motivated yourself. Hope this feeling won't last too long, cannot afford to!!

Alrighty, nothing much more to say..have a good weekend =]

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