Monday, July 19, 2010

Rewind and retell's been more than a month since my last post, I'm ashamed. Sorry to any readers I've been letting down, I guess it's true what they say, time passes fast when you're having so much fun=]

Time has officially escaped from my grasp this past month as a result of the excess free time I've gotten due to term break. But now, it's that time again, the start of a whole new semester. New papers, new classmates, new books (ugh)...I don't know whether to be happy or sad. I'm happy because I can stop wasting time and actually start using my brain juice again but I'm also sad because the holidays ended near such a highlight of this year. That is, my trip to Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and Gold Coast, Australia. To sum it up in one word, it was AMAZING. I guess it's also to do with who you go on the trips with, going with my best friend and her family made the trip extra special. Its trips like those that remind me how much I love to travel and experience the freshness of an entirely unfamiliar territory, the feeling is exhilarating in itself.

If you ever get the chance to travel to Australia, I do recommend those three places, not one let me down. Each has its own flavour and feel, whether it's more to do with nature or buzzing with city craze, a mix of both made it more exciting. Sunshine Coast lives up to its name, though not at its peak sunshine, was still enough to be warmer than chilly Auckland. One word that comes to mind when I think back to Brisbane is NIGHTLIFE. That is, not clubs and stuff like that but think Queen Street but ten times more lights, sounds, people and stores. It was to the extent that we could compare it to Asia nightlife (Really fun for people who like to shop at dusk). Last but not least...GOLD COAST. What can I say? I'm sure many people have already heard numerous stories of this well known tourist location so I won't elaborate. However, I will say that I absolutely loved Gold Coast, probably more than the other two places. It had everything you could possibly want when on holiday, shopping, great food, great sites, nature, theme parks, concerts, the list goes on.

That's just a short summary of my holiday experience because I think the best way to explain my holiday is through my photos and not my words =P [Check FB]
Anywho, new start, time to add oil and work through this semester like there's no tomorrow! Most of all, don't stress just do your best =]

1 comment:

  1. Even though new sem has just started, but think of the Nov summer holiday .. not far from it!

    Is Australia really that good? ONE DAY I'll travel those places those you recommend here.
