Monday, September 20, 2010

Friends, what would we do without them?

Sometimes, it takes something pretty drastic happening to you in your life to remind you of how important friends are.

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

It's not as if I never treasured my friends or forgot to cherish their friendship. It's more like I am once again reminded of how important they are and how much each and every one of them mean to me.
In those times of heartache, when everything seems to be falling to pieces, the hand that reaches out to hold onto you reveals the light at the end of the dim tunnel.

This entry is dedicated to all my friends, although we may not keep in contact every week like we used to or see each other everyday, doesn't mean I don't care anymore. To those friends who I see every now and again (eg. every day, every week etc), thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most, if it were not for those words of encouragement, your ears to listen to me babble to, I don't know how long it would take for me to get over my obstacles.

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."
- Samuel Johnston


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  2. Hey thanks for your comment, I will definately take a look at your blog :D

  3. hehehe nice entry bo
    yea damn straight u better cherish me :P

    (hahaha get it?! LOL)


  4. having friends are always nice =].

    cant make out wat u guys are trying to spell in the last photo. Is it iloveu?

  5. Yes Billy spot on!

    Sarah: HAHAHA you're SOOOO funny!

  6. cathy! my first time visiting ur blog!~ and wow what a heart-warming first post for me to read~ im touched *sniff* hehe i wont say any of my cheesy 感想 here in public~ but yeah its a lovely blog! keep it up =]
    (and see u tomorrow! <3 )

  7. Lucy: Hey! I didn't know u read my blog, I'm touched, really. I'm glad u like it, makes writing even more worthwhile =]
    Thanks for the encouraging comments, follow my blog if u like~ And... see u tomorrow :D
