Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nuff lazyness, Cathy is back (for now)

It's been a while since I've blogged (well maybe just a LIL longer than a while, few months to be exact?), but I've finally decided to and mustered up the energy/spirit to blog.

So many different types of events, good and bad, has happened these past few months that I have no idea where to begin or what to even include in this blog entry. In saying this, let us just use photos to depict the events of my life in the last couple of weeks =]

This "60's inspired look" was for my friend Helen's portfolio as she does a makeup course at Cut above, looks pretty funky right?

Just a bit of background information on the fashion side of the 60's era, one of the major influences of this time was the model 'Twiggy'. Her trademark look was her short cropped hair, androgenous looks and not to mention, the exaggerated eyelashes she wore.

Helen did a pretty good job of replicating the styles of the 60's didn't she?

A couple of weeks ago, my mum, her friend and I went to check out some christmas lights down a road in Ponsonby which also happened to be the road my mum works at (lucky mummy!).
Here are just some photos of my favourite houses during the night.

This one was just amazing, the whole house was practically covered in lights and it seemed like one of the favourites amongst curious onlookers hoping to catch a glimpse of the marvelous creation.

Although this house wasn't completely decorated or anywhere near as extravagent as some of the other houses, what drew me to really take notice, was this seal-like light sculpture of some sort, maybe because it was unique and different.

Now...this is my favourite house of the night, it wasn't the most decorated one, the most colourful one or the most popular but something about it just makes me <3 it. Sometimes words cannot explain how much you <3 something or how it triggers your emotions and feelings.

I have a lot more photos I can put up and write about however, if I did that I would be up all night with panda eyes by tomorrow morning. So instead, I'll call it a night and hopefully I will update real soon with something more inspirational =]

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friends, what would we do without them?

Sometimes, it takes something pretty drastic happening to you in your life to remind you of how important friends are.

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

It's not as if I never treasured my friends or forgot to cherish their friendship. It's more like I am once again reminded of how important they are and how much each and every one of them mean to me.
In those times of heartache, when everything seems to be falling to pieces, the hand that reaches out to hold onto you reveals the light at the end of the dim tunnel.

This entry is dedicated to all my friends, although we may not keep in contact every week like we used to or see each other everyday, doesn't mean I don't care anymore. To those friends who I see every now and again (eg. every day, every week etc), thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most, if it were not for those words of encouragement, your ears to listen to me babble to, I don't know how long it would take for me to get over my obstacles.

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."
- Samuel Johnston

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No I will not give up now.

To what I'm directing the title to...I dunno really... probably anything and everything.
Tests, people, my blog -.-

I feel as if I am getting a bit lazy, it's taken ahold of me once again. It's meant to be semester break, 2 weeks of rest and relaxation (NOT) but time has won the race as usual. It's already the middle of the second week and I'm not done with revision and play, when is two weeks ever enough?

First week of the break went past like a whirlwind, camp from Wednesday-Friday, the rest was pretty unproductive. Oh and the best thing is I got the flu!!
Commenced on: 1st September- doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon. Does anybody know a way to fight the flu? (I've tried antibiotics, honey lemon tea, the works).

After getting sick (one of the worst sicknesses I've ever gotten, honest) I've learnt to appreciate health and being healthy. Taking health science for two years didn't even do the trick so you can get a good idea of how much this flu must suck right now. I'm appreciative in terms of being able to get a good nights sleep without waking up numerous times in the night just to clear my airways, having taste buds to enjoy delish food and drinking water because I want to and not because I have to.

So everybody, be healthy, stay healthy and most of all, enjoy being healthy =]

I don't have a suitable photo to put up so here's one of the cutest puppy ever, Lucky!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Patience, Humility and Gentleness.

Normally you don't hear or see these three words jumping out at you on billboards or ads, as you walk through the city or when you turn the TV on. But during the last three days of my life when I went to church camp, these words were somewhat carved into my head and initiator of the many thoughts I have at this moment in time.

I gotta be honest.. I don't think I fulfill any of the three qualities listed. When I think of Patience, I think of threading a piece of wool through a tiny hole on a knitting needle. When I think of Humility, I think of either Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela. And when I think of Gentleness, what comes to mind is the soft splashing of waves along the edges of the seashore.

I tend to epitomize from time to time, at the end of the day, I'm probably just like any other 20 year old in New Zealand. Patience can be mastered, Humility can be nurtured and Gentleness, well, gentleness can probably be mastered as well ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Enjoy, don't endure.

Wow, time passes fast. Before you know it, winter's almost over, assignments are nearly due, another year is quickly passing by. As time goes by, every minute, every second becomes all the more important.

What I'm trying to say is, sometimes we live everyday as if it's just any old day. Maybe it is, but what if it were our last? I'm not trying to jinx anyone or freak people out. A thought came to me this week out of the blue, 'Why should we have to endure life as if it is a job or a duty when we can learn to enjoy every moment as if it were our very last?'

It's actually pretty funny coming from me because normally I am one of those people who wants to just live life on a flat playing field, no ups, no downs = Cathy is happy. But what's the fun in that?

Some photos taken today:

Taken as I was walking down my road to bus stop, the morning air is so nice!

Makes me want to live in an apartment >,<

<3 Hanging out with Sarah, at restaurant eating lots of yummy food =]

My delicious kimchi fried rice, it was so spicy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Just these past few days I've been flipping through a stack of old high school photographs and reminiscing those days where my friends and I frolicked around in our skirts, up to no good. Now and again I think we should all be reminded about what we possess at this moment in time and be grateful for it. Apart from those things, we should also treasure the memories, moments and friendships we made throughout our journey into adulthood, even though they may not be around us like they used to be.

The person whom we are now cannot possibly have been derived on our own. Without those distant memories and friends, we would not be the person we are today. In saying that, I've learnt to appreciate that even through the bad times, sad times and times I'd rather forget about, I'm glad I did not go through it alone. Although I am still not perfect and will never be, I am content.

Live everyday as if it were your last, sounds cliche but hey, life is cliche.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


LOVE,爱,사랑。。。 What is it?

Every now and again I think about this word and the meanings behind it. I'm sure everyone thinks about love once in a while. Whether we are already intertwined in some sort of relationship or otherwise, this word never fails to appear our minds.

This was just a random picture I found on google, the meaning is simple but it says so much in very few words. I believe that's what love should be like. Simple but meaningful.