Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rain rain go away, come again another day~

It seems like a gazillion years since it has rained like the way it has for the past week. I still blame the reason being on my choice to listen to ‘雨下一整晚’by 周杰伦 on replay for the past few days. Jinxed for sure.

Usually I like the rain and wintery days like these but lately, dunno what has come over me. It's like I long for warmth 24/7, cold days just arn't my thing anymore.

Spring+Autumn FTW! I Cannot wait till the feeling of summer in Aussie in July. Even though it's supposedly Winter, it sure will not feel like it .

Speaking of summer in July, don't we all feel like we need a break right now, a holiday of some sort? For me, that's exactly what I feel I need. For once, I just want to be able to sit down and watch the minutes on the clock tick by and not feel bad about it. Or do something I do not usually do. Lately, days feel like a routine, wake up, eat, wash, go to uni, study, come home, eat, wash, study. Yeah you can say rountines are good and they keep your life in order however, they get boring. But you know what they say, that's life ;) Life is how you make it.

Alright. There's not much to say actually, just felt like blogging some random thoughts as usual.

Here's the song lyrics to ‘雨下一整晚' [It rained the whole entire night]

街灯下的橱窗 有一种落寞的温暖

图贴在玻璃上 画者你的模样


凉卻的电视 墙到底有谁在看


原来我従未习惯 你已不在我身旁


着城市 的小巷 雨下一整晚


  1. hahah i've had 雨下一整晚 on repeat as well~~
    it's my favourite new jay song atm =]
    ahhh it's getting cold~~~ TT" hmm i like rainy days sometimes... but cold rainy days at uni are annoying... >=(


  2. I think it's cuz we've been playing that song too many times, it's actually happening ~ Can't help it when it's such a nice song XD
    Hate rainy days at uni~ Watch out for the puddles!
